Finding an alternative to Frisket Film

Instead of using expensive frisket film to isolate a subject, I mask off the area  with an alternative material. 

Easy Liner is a brand of sticky drawer liner which can be purchased from big box stores. The entire 10 foot roll was only $6. I was looking for a repositionable surface that would grip on contact, that I could use as a mask. I wanted something I could cut easily and have enough adhesion, making it possible to apply an airbrush background over the top. I didn’t want any messy adhesive getting in the way.

To begin, I printed my line reference to 8 x 10 inches, which is the size I wanted for my final artwork. I placed the reference on top of the liner, using the reference as a template. I cut around the outside of the bird and tree limb. It’s best to a pair of sharp scissors. 

Next, I peeled the liner away from its backing and adhered it to a sheet of Strathmore Bristol Smooth drawing paper. I needed the mask to stay put but be removable later for my colored pencil drawing. 

With the mask firmly in place, I began airbrushing a cloudy sky, keeping things simple so the bird would become the focus of attention. I used one part Apple Barrel craft paint thinned to four parts water. Acrylic paint dries to a matte finish, perfect for matching my colored pencil application

Although I could have used colored pencils for the background, airbrushing is a quick and easy way to achieve an out of focus look in a fraction of the time.

Back at my art table, I re-taped the artwork and began slowly removing the mask. I was concerned the liner would stick, but it removed easily without rips or tears. I made sure my fingernails stayed away from accidentally scratching the background. The mask peeled back cleanly, revealing the drawing paper underneath. I was able to begin my colored pencil drawing.

Were there any drawbacks? I had to be very careful how I initially cut out the mask, because it revealed such a finite edge once airbrushed. Because colored pencils are a more transparent medium compared to acrylic, I had to cut the mask to exactly the right size. Otherwise I would have difficulty using colored pencils over the top of the paint. 

Utilizing this masking method, I was able to complete my bird from start to finish in just under three hours, and I had plenty of material left over for future projects.

Print reference to use as a template
Place reference over the liner and cut out shape
Peel and stick mask to drawing paper
Airbrush background
Remove mask 
Complete your artwork with a colored pencil drawing!

Photo reference and/or line reference
Easy Liner drawer liner
Sharp scissors
Strathmore Bristol Smooth Drawing paper
Airbrush and compressor
Apple Barrel paints
Masking tape
Colored pencils

Watch the process in more detail here:

Create a realistic looking Iris with my FREE colored pencil drawing class! 

This video tutorial includes a copyright-free reference, traceable line art, supply list and colored pencil swatch.
I talk you through all the techniques required to begin creating an iris botanical illustration from start to finish!

Colored Pencils – A Complete Beginner’s Guide 

All the information you need to start creating beautiful drawings is contained within this gorgeous 20-page guide! It’s jam-packed with articles recommending the best pencils and papers to use as well the best tools to guide your artistic journey. Offering tips, techniques and inspiration, it’s yours FREE to download!
