Patreon tutorial library

In this library you can find all my tutorials, categorized by medium. 
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Colored Pencil

cherries in colored pencils with solvent - 1 hr 26 mins

Blue Eye in colored pencils and graphite - 2 hrs 30 minutes

Iris Botanical illustration in colored pencil - 3 Hrs and 15 mins

butterfly on coneflower - colored pencil with airbrushed background - I hr 30 mins

reflection with Bokeh - colored pencil with airbrush background - 22 min

Freckles with colored pencil - 3 hrs 13 mins

Grapes with colored pencil - 3 hrs 40 mins


Blue Eye in colored pencils and graphite - 2 hrs 30 mins

Girl with Bun Portrait in charcoal and graphite - 2 hrs and 45 mins

nose study in graphite - I hr 10 mins


Girl with Bun Portrait in charcoal and graphite - 2 hrs and 45 mins

Draw a shiny object in charcoal - I hr 30 mins

Portrait in charcoal - 2 hrs and 45 mins


butterfly on coneflower - colored pencil with airbrushed background - I hr 30 mins

Bokeh with reflection - colored pencil with airbrush background - 22 mins

Pastel pencil and panpastel

orchid with pastel pencils - 2 hrs and 45 mins

waterlily with panpastels and pastel pencils - 4 hrs

rose with panpastels and pastel pencils including background - 2 hrs


Easily transfer any line art to dark paper - 5 mins

transfer a photo to perfect line art - 3 mins